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Theme Change Log

version 2.9.4

- Mobile and Ipad responsive issues fixed.
- Header Slider changed from Bxslider to Owl-carousel.

version 2.9.3

-Main Slider navigation buttons bug fixed 
-Main slider Navigation button colors will be managed by accent colors in theme customizr.
-Body Line Height Increased.
-accent color problem fixed.

version 2.9.2

- Fixed Responsive logo issue
- Fixed Responsive Portfolio slider issue
- Fixed Responsive Footer issue.

version 2.9.1

- Added New feature for Body Background image upload option for boxed layout
- Added New feature for Body Background color for boxed layout
- Added New feature for disable/ enable for cart information
- Added New feature selecting side bar for Portfolio single pages
- Added New feature to enable old Portfolio Meta options (custom fields) in theme customizr > Portfolio.

version 2.9

- Improved theme customizr panels
- Menu section shifted into header section
- Added New Logo section
- Accent color setion shifted to Globel Settings
- Renamed Page Color settings to Page Section
- Updated woocommerce outdated files
- Added an option in "Theme customizer > Global Section" to hide old portfolio data
- Added an option in "Theme Customizer > Global Section" to add midcontainer top and bottom padding.

version 2.8.6

- Fixed bug : bx slider issue when RTL mode fixed.

version 2.8.5

- Fixed bug : Responsive mode issue fixed.

version 2.8.4

- Added New Feature : Added Disable Slider Arrow Navigation and Disable Slider
  Dots Pagination under Bx Slider.
- Added New Feature : Added Disable Slider Arrow Buttons, Disable Slider Dots Buttons and Enable Slider 
  Auto Play under Portfolio Single Page Slider Settings in Theme Customizer.
- Added New Feature : Added Text Color, Hyper Link Color and Hyper Link Hover Color under Most Footer
  Bottom Settings in Theme Customizer.
- Fixed bug : Menu Active BG Links Color, Menu Active BG Color, Child Menu Link Active BG Color and 
  Child Menu Link Active Color issues fixed.

version 2.8.3

- Added New Feature : Added Disable Arrow Navigation and Disable Dots Pagination under Fluid Slider.

version 2.8.2

- Added New Feature : Added an option to disable Portfolio Category Title 
- Added New Feature : Added an option to disable Related Post Title and Post Category.
- Added New Feature : Sidebar Removed from Portfolio Post.
- Added New Feature : Added Gallery Slider option in Gallery Format.											
- Fixed bug : Major Languague Translation issues fixed.

version 2.8.1

- Fixed bug : Translation issue fixed.

version 2.8

- Woocommerce pages enhanced.

version 2.7.3

- Fixed bug : Themecustomizer issue fixed
- Images color box changed form prettyphoto.

version 2.7.2

- Portfolio single page gallery order issue fixed.

version 2.7.1

- Added  10 Localization files in different languages already translated using .po files

	Arabic (ar)
	Czech – (cs_CZ)
	Spanish – (es)
	French – (fr)
	Italian - (it_IT)
	Polish – (pl_PL)
	Portuguese – (pt_BR)
	Russian – (ru)
	hebrew - (he_IL)
	Danish - (da_DK)

version 2.7

- Fixed bug : Order attributes for kaya slider and tab items CPT
- Fixed bug : Portfolio category 2-column image width issue fixed.
- Added New Feature: Portfolio related post thumbnail height added in theme customizer.We recommend buying your favorite toothbrush at super low prices with free shipping, and you can also pick up your order at the store on the same day.
- Added New Feature: Header Cart Items  disable / enable option added in theme customizer.

version 2.6

- Added New Feature: Sidebar generator added in Appearance

version 2.5

- Fixed bug: Portfolio & Blog single page slider issue fixed.
- Added New Feature: Portfolio slug url name can be changed from theme customizr.
- Added New Feature: Added option to add an image for header & Footer via customizr.

version 2.4.2

- Fixed bug: metabox field.php error  when you use older php version fixed.

version 2.4.1

- Fixed bug: Kaya Innova Page Widget installation issue fixed.

version 2.4

- Fixed bug: Widget check box issue fixed.
- Fixed bug: Portfolio item thumbnail gap fixed.

version 2.3

- Added New Feature: Add new widgets, Tabs, Toggle and Accordion
- Added New Feature: Add new widgets info boxes.

version 2.2

- Added New Feature: Added auto play for Portfolio Widget slider
- Fixed bug: Product category title display issue fixed.
- Fixed bug: Few stylng issues fixed.

version 2.1

- Added New Feature: Now theme support WooCommerce 2.0 and above.

version 2.0

- THeme redesigned from scratch to date trend in design, coding and features as a version2.0

Plugin Change Log

version 2.1.1

- Innova slider widget changed from bxslider to owl-carousel.

version 2.1

- Mobile and Ipad responsive issues fixed.

version 2.0.1

-Added Color options for Navigation Buttons in Innova-slider Widget.
-Icon Box title font size bug fixed
-draggable slider description content changed to excerpt textarea. 
-Toggle & Tabs Issue Fixed
-Testimonial slider margin issue Fixed.
-Image box read more button top margin removed
-added Image Box title Font size option.

version 2.0

- Improved widget stylings
- Improved Button widget
- Improved Dropcap widget
- Improved Custom Title widget
- Improved Listbox widget
- Improved info boxes widget
- Improved Toggle Tabs widget
- Added Testimonial slider widget
- Added New Property details widget to add Property Information
- Added Responsive for Draggable Slider widget
- Improved Images Gallery widget
- Added Icon box widget
- Added animation for all widgets
- updated owl carousel js to latest version of js.

version 1.3.4

- Added New Feature : Added Innova-Gallery Images widget.

version 1.3.3

- Fixed bug : Major Languague Translation issues fixed.

version 1.3.2

- Fixed bug : Translation issue fixed.

version 1.3.1

- Added  10 Localization files in different languages already translated using .po files

	Arabic (ar)
	Czech – (cs_CZ)
	Spanish – (es)
	French – (fr)
	Italian - (it_IT)
	Polish – (pl_PL)
	Portuguese – (pt_BR)
	Russian – (ru)
	hebrew - (he_IL)
	Danish - (da_DK)

version 1.3

- Fixed bug : Language Transalation issue fixed.

version 1.2

- Fixed bug : Recoded displaying post items from Category slug to category ID, in Portfolio CPT , kaya slider CPT, draggable slider and blog posts.
- Fixed bug : Removed hyper link from dropcap and added to Title.
- Fixed bug : "Clear" tab in Contact form widget only displays when you add text for tab field.
- Added New Featuees : Multiple category support for Tab Items.
- Fixed bug : Order attribute added for Kaya Slider and Tab Items CPT.
- Fixed bug : Pagination Added for "Innova-Portfolio" and "Innova-Lates News" Widgets.
- New feature added : "Innova-Blog" Widget added.
- New feature added : "Innova-Contact Form" Widget added.

version 1.1

- New feature added : Image widget upload button issue in widget area fixed.

version 1.0

- Intial Release.